
AuthorsYearsort ascendingTitle
E. Meyrick1907Descriptions of Australasian Micro-lepidoptera, XIX: Plutellidae
A. Busck1907New American Tineina
E. Meyrick1905Descriptions of Indian Micro-lepidoptera, I.
P. Dognin1905Heteroceres nouveaux de l’Amerique du Sud
A. Busck1904Tineid moths from British Columbia, with descriptions of new species
H. Gray Dyar1902Descriptions of the larvae of some moths from Colorado
W. Kearfott1902A revision of the North American species of the genus Choreutis
H. Gray Dyar1900Notes on some North American Yponomeutidae
C. Henry Fernald1900On the North American Species of Choreutis and its Allies
T. Walsingham1897Western Equatorial African Micro-lepidoptera
T. Walsingham1891African Micro-lepidoptera
C. Valentine Riley1889Two brilliant and interesting microlepidoptera new to our fauna
H. Theodor Christoph1888Diagnosen zu enigen neuen Lepidopteren des palaearctischen Faunengebietes
E. Meyrick1886Descriptions of Lepidoptera from the South Pacific
A. Radcliffe Grote1881A Choreutes [sic] of Silphium integrifolium
E. Meyrick1880Descriptions of Australian Microlepidoptera, IV: Tineina
P. Christoph Zeller1877Exotische Microlepidoptera
P. Cornelius Snellen1877Heterocera op Java verzameld door Mr. M. C. Piepers, met aanteekeningen en beschrijvingen der nieuwe Soorten
P. Cornelius Snellen1875Drei nieuwe Choreutinen
P. Christoph Zeller1867Choreutidae and Crambina, collected in Egypt, by the Rev. O. P. Cambridge, January to April, 1864; determined and the new species described
B. Clemens1863American Micro-lepidoptera


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith